Animal Behavior College Certified Trainer in Estero, Florida


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How to Avoid Stressing Your Dog

Written by Joseph

Joseph De Simone, founder of Canine Command, has been a longtime volunteer trainer and handler at Humane Societies in Pennsylvania and Southwest Florida.

When dogs are stressed, like humans, their behavior can default into fighting, fleeing freezing, fainting, or fiddling/reactive behavior. The limbic primal portion of the brain takes over and rational decision-making lessons. So how do we tamp down the limbic system and strengthen our dog’s prefrontal cortex which controls rational decision-making so he/she can relax, pay attention to us and follow our commands?. Here are a couple concrete steps we can take to accomplish this:

Get Trained-training is not just for dogs. Owners need to be trained to become good leaders and communicators. They have to learn to control the resources in the house including access to height, food, and space and demand calm behavior for any of those resources. Studies show dogs are happiest and feel most secure when their owner is a strong leader! An example is when an owner fails to control access to food by leaving it out on a table. Dogs, like humans, are opportunists. If your dog grabs some of the food, don’t yell or punish him. Roll up some newspaper and smack yourself over the head for failing to control that resource!

Become a Good Communicator-dogs don’t naturally understand human language. That’s why owners must be taught to posture correctly by using their facial expression, vocalization, and body movement to communicate what they want from their furry companions. Good owners also use simple one-word commands and corrections consistently. When your dog understands what you want, they can comply and be rewarded which makes them happy and reinforces the behavior! A good example is when an owner repeats a command over and over again because the dog is not performing the behavior e.g., sit, sit, sit, sit on and on. Good owners train behaviors first with posturing and luring so when they add the command the dog will do it the first time!

Put Your Dog on a Consistent Time Schedule-dogs don’t naturally understand the ebb and flow of human life. When they know when you will be home, when they will be fed, when playtime and exercise occurs, when they sleep etc. they are most secure and content. An example is when your dog comes to you at 5 PM because he knows that’s his time to go out for a walk. Praise him for being on schedule and make sure you walk him then!

Exercise Your Dog-daily training and exercise with your dog releases good brain hormones dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and epinephrine. These good brain hormones increase your dog’s sense of well-being and happiness and his bond with you! An example is each day doing a sniff walk with your dog taking the time to let him explore the neighborhood.

Socialize Your Dog-expose your dog to new environments, people, and animals as early and often as possible! Dogs are extremely social animals. By socializing your dog, you open up a world of sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and tactile rewards which increases your dog’s happiness and fulfillment!

Give Your Dog the Golden Hand Treatment-remember your hand should only bring petting, praise and treats to your dog. Never use your hand or anything connected to your hand to correct your dog. This will keep your dog happy and bonded when he is around you.

Consider Using CBD/Composure for High Anxiety/Reactive Dogs-recent research shows properly dosed CBD can tamp down activity in the canine amygdala (fear processing center of the brain) and increase activity in the prefrontal cortex (emotional control center of the brain). CBD can be paired with Colostrum, a powerful calming agent isolated from the mother’s milk. I have used these natural supplements together to stop high anxiety, thunder phobic and separation anxiety prone dogs from stressing.

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